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Master Programme Data Science
Massive amounts of data related to all areas of life are collected and processed every day ‒ a source of enormous potential for society, business and science. In the digital world, application areas such as artificial intelligence or machine learning have become indispensable.
As the volumes of gathered data are becoming increasingly extensive and complex, experts with the ability to manage, analyse and interpret large amounts of data are in high demand. Data scientists combine methods and applications from mathematics and computer science to make the best possible use of data volumes and thus play a key role in shaping our digital future.
Contact Persons
For questions about the study programme you may contact either
Prof. Martin Holler (University of Graz) or Prof. Peter Grabner (TU Graz)

The Master's Programme Data Science
In this programme, students learn the skills and methods needed to analyse, process and interpret complex data:
- They expand on their knowledge in the areas of analysis, linear algebra, statistics, optimisation, databases, data integration, programming and software development.
- They get to know the most important models and algorithms of logic- and learning-based artificial intelligence.
- They develop new methods for statistics, machine learning and artificial intelligence and implement these models using state-of-the-art programming languages.
- They learn to manage, analyse and interpret large quantities of data gathered with real-world systems.
- They work independently using scientific methods to solve problems from all corners of the subject area.
- They become familiar with ethical and legal aspects related to the use and further processing of data.
1. Bridge Courses
Within the bridge courses, you complete your specific study entry pathway in the first year of study, depending on your own study background. For many studies, the entry path is already defined in the curriculum.
For alternative study entry paths, please get in touch with the contact persons listed above.

2. Project in Data Science

As part of the course "Project in Data Science", you will work on practical problems from data science, preferably with external companies or institutions, e.g. in the form of an internship.
The project is organised as part of the course, and students are welcome to make suggestions.
3. Study Abroad
The master's programme in Data Science is offered jointly by TU Graz and Uni Graz. Both universities are also members of university alliances (TU Graz: unite! Uni Graz: Arqus), which allows students to benefit from international ties. They can complete modules or courses at partner universities within these alliances.
The following links provide specific suggestions of suitable courses of four Arqus/unite! partner universities:
- KTH Stockholm, Sweden
- University of Granada, Spain
- University of Leipzig, Germany
- Aalto University, Finland
The organisation of the stay abroad takes place via the International Relations Office (Uni Graz) respectively (Uni Graz) International Office (TU Graz).

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