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NAWI Graz Wiki

Basically, a lot of important and publicly accessible information as well as contact possibilities can be found on the official website of NAWI Graz . In addition, further relevant information can be found on the

The present NAWI Graz Wiki aims at providing all information relevant for working within NAWI Graz on a lean platform: This includes information, instructions, links and other help, especially to make it easier for teachers and administrators to deal with the system-related peculiarities.


NAWI Graz Set of Rules

To the article
blau orange Lichtfunken vor dunklem Hintergrund

NAWI Graz-related IT instruction

To the article
Silhouette eines Paragraphen im Sonnenlicht

Legal information for NAWI Graz studies

To the article
Orange, violette und pinke Lichtfunken vor dunklem Hintergrund.

Technical information about NAWI Graz studies

To the article

Organisational information for NAWI Graz teaching / administrative staff

Confidential and personal information is password protected. The password can be hierrequested here from employees of the University of Graz and TU Graz.

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