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IT related topics and instructions

Direct links to the most important instructions and information

Update on VPN status: Since July 2023, the TU Graz systems are accessible  within  Austria. For Uni Graz systems, VPN constraints remain outside the campus network. The coupling of the two online systems is currently not working associated with this.

  • Accounts for employees in the partner university online system
  • WLAN use at the partner university: This is possible via the WLAN network "eduroam" and the login data of your own university. An account at the partner university is not required! Links to connect with eduroam for the University of Graz and TU Graz staff.

Account in the online system of the partner university

Which group of persons will receive which account(s)?

  • Employees receive their electronic identity in the online system of the university, to which the employment relationship exists. In addition, they can apply for an account in the system of the partner university directly at the NAWI Graz-institute (list), which represents the counterpart to their own or which is technically close to them, or with the collaboration. The application is made - unless a direct contact there is best emailed to the email address of this institute stored in the online system. The social security number is required to set up the account (to exclude that a person is invested several times) and the postal institute address.
  • If you have requested an account, you will receive an email with the PIN for activation. Follow these instructions.
  • Recommendations on this:
    • With each new account, an e-mail address is generated in the online system of this university. You can either include this email address in your e-mail client (and use a combined mailbox) or create a forwarding to your mail address. This is possible for e-mail addresses of the Uni Graz and TU Graz in Outlook WebAccess.
    • This ensures that all emails are delivered correctly (especially messages to expiring passwords).
      • Ask the partner institute to link your business card to that of the online system of the University of the service relationship. This ensures that the "own" business card is always opened in the partner university's online system and that the contact details of the own institution are shown. Alternatively, you can change the contact details in the account at the partner university under Business Card -> edit accordingly.
    • Please do not store the e-mail address of your own university in the online system of the partner university as a "confirmed email address". This is no longer possible at TU Graz in accordance with the rectorate decision.

Recommendation on passwords for accounts in both online systems

If an employee has accounts in both UNIGRAZonline and TUGRAZonline, it is recommended to change both passwords once a year at the same time.

Since staff also receive two email addresses for two accounts, it is recommended to set up a forwarding to your own email address. This goes at the University of Graz at email.uni-graz.at and at TU Graz in the Outlook WebAccess (this link also contains the instructions for both systems) . Then you will receive the notification about the password exit.

Interuniversity exam registration

Note: The inter-university registration is currently not in operation due to VPN obligation!

The inter-university exam registration function allows NAWI Graz students to access all examination dates of both universities in an online system and to be able to log in or unsubscribe directly there.

Instructions on how to set up inter-university examination application

1. Log in to one of the two systems (online.uni-graz.at or online.tugraz.at) and click on personal settings. The example shows the coupling in TUGRAZonline

2. Then select the system to be combined (here UNIGRAZonline)

3. Enter the username and password of UNIGRAZonline in the login dialog

Afterwards all exam dates of UNIGRAZonline are visible in TUGRAZonline in the application "exam dates" and you register/deregister directly!

Note: The coupling is unidirectional. In order for the function to exist in both systems, it must also be set up once in UNIGRAZonline.

4. You can decouple the systems by chosing so in your persona settings (see step 1 above)

Synchronize calendars in online systems

Communication with all students and teachers or Participants of all groups of a course

(Laboratory)Exercises are held in NAWI Graz studies in groups at both universities. Here, there is the case that anE lecturer serves as a coordinator and wants to communicate directly from the online system with all students and teachers. This is possible if all groups of this course incl. Teaching and appointments will be set up at a university. This would have to be taken into account in the teacher's survey. An alternating holding on an annual basis should be provided in any case.

Listing of grades and assessments at the partner university

If you hold NAWI Graz courses that are managed by the partner university or would like to participate in them and who wish to register your own assessments, the institute that manages these courses can be granted appropriate rights for this. The prerequisite for this is an active account in the online system of the partner university. In this case, please contact the partner institute.

Support for NAWI Graz Teachers at the Partner University

As part of NAWI Graz studies, courses also take place in the rooms of the partner university. If necessary, the following support options are available in these cases:

Inter-university registration:Information for staff

1.Select "Interuniversity Registration" application in the business card:

2.Selection of the desired online instance:

3.Enter the username and password of the instance to be combined and confirm with "Allow access"


4. Linking is successful for green hooks The access can now be carried out at any time via the link of the system in the application "Interuniversity Registration".

Inter-university registration: Information for students

1. Selection of the application

2. Selection of online instance

3. Enter the username and password of the instance to be combined

4. Cupling is successful on green hook

5. Access can now be performed at any time via the link of the system in the "Interuniversity Registration" application.

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