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NAWI Graz rules at a glance

NAWI Graz Affiliation

All scientists from NAWI Graz institutes are required to put a NAWI Graz reference on their publications. Only then, these publications can be found in international databases and be reported to the ministry. 

  • "NAWI Graz" has to mentioned in the address field of original publications (journal articles, poster presentations, talks...) between the university and the institute, like: „University X, Institute Y, NAWI Graz“
    • Address examples:
      • TU Graz
        John Carpenter
        Graz University of Technology, Institute of X, NAWI Graz
        Mustergasse XX, 8010 Graz, Austria
      • University of Graz
        Joan Carpenter
        University of Graz, Institute of X, NAWI Graz
      • Mustergasse XX, 8010 Graz, Austria
  • Alternatively, it is possible to mention NAWI Graz in the acknowledgement field, e.g. „The authors gratefully acknowledge support from NAWI Graz.“

The internal allocation of NAWI Graz funds depends on using the NAWI Graz affiliation.

NAWI Graz Infrastructure Funding

The following two funding categories apply to all scientists from NAWI Graz institutes

  1. Funding for existing Uni Graz-TU Graz research collaborations [prerequisite: joint existing/applied for third-party funded research projects, and/or publications (journal article in peer review), shared equipment]
  2. Funding for researchers with an unlimited working contract or with an ongoing qualification/development agreement who want to set up a new project with colleagues at the partner university where no cooperation exists yet (joint concept required).

The basic requirements for funding in the two criteria are

  • There is a demonstrable need for the device: Coordination with head of institute and prioritisation by the faculty dean.
  • A coherent concept for procurement and joint operation (e.g. installation site, required personnel) is in place
  • Only the acquisition costs of the device/laboratory are funded. Conversion costs and operating costs are not funded by NAWI Graz!
  • At least 50 % own contribution will be made

Logo and template download

According to the Corporate Wording Guidelines the NAWI Graz Logo mus always be used in combination with the logos of TU Graz and Uni Graz

NAWI Graz Logo variants

NAWI Graz Geozentrum Logo variants

NAWI Graz Slide Templates:


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