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Technical information about NAWI Graz studies

The necessary data exchange for NAWI Graz studies is generally carried out via the data network of universities acc. Section 18 University and Higher Education Statistics and Education Documentation Ordinance. Further data relevant for joint study operations will be exchanged via the AHESN interface.

Technical-organisational features

DieTU Graz and the University of Graz are based differently in their study organisation and the associated processes. This means, for example, the different e-mail addresses are absolutely necessary!

The following link list of IT services leads to further information:

Mailing: Students who register for the NAWI Graz degree programme receive a personal account in the online system of the admitting university and a personal account in the online system of the partner university.

This is linked to the e-mail accounts (@student.tugraz.at and @edu.uni-graz.at) and the administration of personal data in the two online systems. These are the central delivery addresses for study-related information from the respective university.

Recommendation: each student should set up a forwarding in the system of the host university to the e-mail address assigned by the home university (see instructions).

This address should then also be used for all official (study-related) enquiries to the respective university (Student Services, Dean's Office, etc.). Other private addresses from other e-mail providers may not be accepted by the systems or mail from the universities may not be delivered!

Moodle: The following links lead to the respective Moodle systems.


Online systems: The administration of personal and study-related data takes place in the online system of the respective university:

To ensure that all data is available in both systems, the function of a coupling at the user level (interuniversity coupling) is intended. Any student can do this once if you may use the in the online system. This eliminates the need for simultaneous manual login in both systems.

Another coupling must be linked to the inter-university examination application.

Private Cloud:

Both universities offer their students free use of the university-internal cloud instances. The servers are operated at the locations of the respective university and are also used in the context of teaching.

Students can share files between the instances of the universities if the personal Federated Cloud ID is used. This must be replaced manually with each other if required for reasons of data protection.


Student Card:

Although both universities use the same technology of Mifare smart cards, the databases of the reading councils are not synchronized at the doors between the universities for reasons of data protection.

NAWI Graz students receive a student card from the allowing university. If it is necessary to grant access to blocked spaces of the other university (e.g. within the framework of the master's thesis), this is done - unless conventional physical keys are used as follows:

  • University of Graz-approved students can obtain a TU Graz student card in the TU Graz study service and the closing authorization for TU Graz rooms is installed there.
  • TU Graz-approved students install the YOUNI app on their Android device or Iphone and the closing authorisation is then done.

VPN: In contrast to the University of Graz, TU Graz uses a separate network access password for the use of VPN.

This must be set in the personal account settings (business card/change password) in the TU Graz online system and is identical to the Eduroam password.

Wi-Fi: Students have a so-called Eduroam password to use the WLAN infrastructure.

This must be set in the personal account settings (business card/change password) in the online system of the respective home university.

the Austrian Higher Education Systems Network


AHESN, the Austrian Higher Education Systems Network, is an open, standardised, Austria-wide exchange format for data in the education sector and is used in inter-University teacher training and NAWI Graz studies.

This open interface is independent of the online system that has an educational institution in use.

The AHESN project defines and develops an interface for coupling at the system level. The digitally modeled joint curriculum serves as a parenthesis for the exchange of the following data:

  • Technical base information
  • Thesis (currently information on the completed master's thesis)
  • Recognition
  • Inaugural counting on examinations
  • Curriculum position
  • Content clamp (equivalent to equal node across educational institutions)
  • Course incl. Course registration
  • Exam Event incl. Examination date and exam registration
  • Individual service
  • Studies (extension of the existing data exchange, e.g. reasons for studies)

Students or teachers of NAWI Graz do not need to make adjustments to use these AHESNs, since this is automatically done at the system level.

Online systems

The administration of personal and study-related data takes place in the online system of the respective university:

To ensure that all data is available in both systems, the function of a coupling at the user level (interuniversity coupling) is intended. Any student can do this once if you may use the in the online system. This eliminates the need for simultaneous manual login in both systems.

Another coupling must be linked to the inter-university examination application.

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